
Hi, let's stay in touch!

and I'm having the day completely off from everything. Our american tour was amazing - kinda high tempo though, hardly slept at all during those 2 weeks - but it's been the best 2 weeks of my life. My mind is happy but physically I'm a total wreck! Some exercise, healthy food and a few AA-meetings and I'll be back on track! :P And yeah - almost forgot - so far we've sold two overkill-pre-orders but there's still plenty of room left on butt!. Have you ordered your copy yet? :). Will tell u more stuff about the US once I'm sort of recovered :). Luv ya! //LONDON

Latest News

New interviews with vocalist John Elliot

Final show of 2024

We are happy to announce WILDNESS as our opening act for our Stockholm show, which will bi the last this year. 
Tickets available now:

New video: Chemical - live 2024!




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